Research tells me the best time to release a thriller is during the summer months of July through August. But I'm an unknown author trying to break through the clutter of well-known authors of the genre. So I am breaking the tradition by promoting my debut novel DAY ONE: Birth is a death sentence, a fiction thriller and the first of a three-part series by asking the question, “Why should you have to wait till summer to escape into a world of chaos by enjoying an intense thriller?”
Let me introduce you to, "The Kachada Series" written for today's audiences who are adrenaline junkies looking for the raw fearlessness of a protagonist who possesses the courage to take them on an emotional roller coaster ride and make them hold on for dear life.
Kachada knew from the beginning his life was destined to be anything but normal when his mother whispers in his ear at birth. “Kachada. Remember: Birth is a death sentence, so make every minute count.”
At an early age, Kachada is forced to live his future not by the years or months but by the minute. This unlikely tale is where two parallel universes—the chilling ancestry traditions of the Comanche and the ruthless code of the Sicilian Mafia—mysteriously intersect. Your palms will sweat as your emotions ricochet between loving, crying, hating, praying and cheering for Kachada as the riddles of his past help him to cope with his precarious future. He chooses to court death like a smitten lover chasing every new minute as a second chance at life. During his dark and unimaginable journey, he vows to mete out justice to those who deserve it most, promising to leave no enemy alive.
You might like to make your friends aware of this ruthless assassin named Kachada before he decides to drop in on them unexpectedly. The best way to do so is by reading, DAY ONE a fiction thriller chronicling his malevolent past and the first of a three-part series.
My background is in advertising, which has exposed me to a collection of unique experiences that have informed Kachada’s chaotic and unpredictable life.
DAY ONE: Birth is a death sentence is now available as a preorder in paperback, hardcover and epub at Amazon for a February 4th release. Expect the unexpected.
Thank you for taking a risk on a new author. For info on my bio you can visit donsedei.com