#Thriller #Adventure #Fiction #Survivor #LifeStory #UrbanFantasy #Friends #Football #Wizards #SuperBowl #Advertising #JackDaniles #Creative #Stories #Addicts #Hollywood #FrameStory #MacallanM #SwissArmyKnife #Rosary #MagicSquare #GoodJuJu #Blood #God #LIfe

Day One: Birth is a death sentence is the first of the three-part the fiction thriller Kachada Series. The story of one man's life from his inaugural breath to his very last. An untold tale where two parallel universes—the chilling traditions of the Comanche Tribe and the ruthless code of the Sicilian Mafia—mysteriously intersect.
Day Two: Leave no enemy alive will be out early 2020. Kachada Toscano finds those close to him are the most dangerous. He vows to mete out justice to those who deserve it most.
The End?: 22,676,400 minutes after will be out early 2021. This is when the precarious future of Kachada Toscano finally come to an end. His struggles to survive while battling the obstacles that confront him to protect his family. His story is finally told.
Tale of Bronco & The Wizard will be released in fall of 2019. It is a an urban fantasy that takes you on a tale of wild antics that will make you laugh, cry and laugh again as we discover the Monday Night, Thursday Night and Sunday Football games are not won on the field, but are in the hands of powerful wizards. A truly original sports story about friends, football and wizards. A fast and light-hearted read.
Praise Jesus is that horse dead or what? Will be ready by 2022. This is fiction adventure is filled with stories that takes you on the creative journey of one man's life. It is unusual and very revealing about the creative world of advertising. It takes you behind and in front of the camera as decisions and indecisions reveal the insecurity of creating brand campaigns and identities.
Hollywood Cub should be ready by 2023. Membership may have its privileges, but not at Hollywood’s most exclusive club. There, it entitles you to an endless list of liabilities such as bankruptcy, divorce, madness, murder, prostitution and torture. Fortunately, there’s hope. It chronicles the personal journeys of 24 unlikely addicts, a diverse cross-section of emotionally wounded urban nomads who learn first-hand that one misstep can lead you to the devil’s doorstep. The Hollywood Club.
More about the author and the Kachada Series at donsedei.com